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Friday, 5 October 2018

Patuxai in Vientiane (Laos) is one of the most important monuments of the city. Known as the Arc of the triumph of Vientiane or also called the Victory gate is the particular tribute to the Arc de Triomphe on the Champs-Élysées, which pays the city of Vientiane to Paris.

Information Patuxai

Patuxai, formally Anosavari monument whose literal translation is the Victory gate, is a monument that was built in the year 1962 to honor those who fought in the independence of Laos against France and also for those who perished during World War II.

United States indirectly financed the construction of Patuxai, since the Lao Government used the cement should be earmarked for the construction of an airport in the construction of the gate of the victory of Vientiane. American funds were destined for the airport and not the construction of the monument, which cost total were 63 million of Kips, although he never came to finish completely due to the turbulent political situation in Laos, as well explains a plate at the same Patuxai monument.

Patuxai - The Victory Gate of Vientiane - Laos
Patuxai - The Victory Gate of Vientiane - Laos

Data Patuxai

Patuxai is located in the main avenue of the capital Vientiane Lao, the Lane Xang Avenue. Due to their appearance and location, largely reminiscent of the Arc of the triumph of the Champs Elysées in Paris, but there are a few differences, for example Patuxai is composed by 4 arcs while the Parisian monument are just 2, another difference is that the Laotian monument is slightly higher than the French.

Champs Elysees of Vientiane - Laos
Champs Elysees of Vientiane - Laos

The door of the triumph of Vientiane has a height of 7 floors, in these 7 floors there is a Museum, a souvenir shop and Government offices, however the most interesting is also the top of Patuxai, roof open to the public, which can be visited upon payment of a fee. From the top of Patuxai we have magnificent views of the city of Vientiane.

The 4 pillars of Patuxai are hollow, inside House stairs and elevators. Formerly had to climb the stairs to climb to the top of Patuxai, but now the lift can also be used for those who prefer to save these 7 plants.

On the ground floor, of free access, the most outstanding are the paintings of the vault that created the 4 arches of the triumph of door. Paintings with motifs and icons of the Laotian Buddhism and Hindu influences.

Patuxai Monument in Vientiane (Laos)
Patuxai Monument in Vientiane (Laos)

The outdoor gardens: the park Patuxai

In the enclave where is located Patuxai most striking are the outdoor gardens, popularly known by the name of gardens Patuxai. The Park is composed of Palm trees and ponds of lotus flowers, but the most striking is the huge fountain with lights and sound, donated by China.

Gardens near the monument Patuxai Vientiane (Laos)
Gardens near the monument Patuxai Vientiane (Laos)

Opening Patuxai

Patuxai is an outdoor monument and therefore it has no timetable, however those who want to climb to the top of the door of the victory of Vientiane, may do so only between the 08:00 and the 16:30 any day of the week.

Patuxai (Vientiane, Laos)
Patuxai (Vientiane, Laos)

Entry fee to Patuxai

To visit Patuxai and the gardens should not pay input. However up to the top of the Arc de Triomphe Yes have to pay, the price of the ticket to climb to the top of Patuxai are 3,000 kip (approx. 0.30€).
The entrance to climb to the top is purchased directly from Patuxai, just before boarding (accessed after the first column on the left and lower right).

Getting to Patuxai

The Patuxai monument is located in the Lane Xang Avenue, the most important avenue in Vientiane, the capital ofLaos, place that also receives the nickname of the Fields Élysées of Vientiane.

Although you can get to Patuxai walking from the center of Vientiane in 10 minutes, people who prefer it can take the bus No. 31 urban to visit Vientiane victory gate.

Bus to go to Patuxai - Vientiane - Laos
Bus to go to Patuxai - Vientiane - Laos


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